Discipline and Termination Assessment

Assessment Introduction

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    Welcome to the Discipline and Termination IQRM!

    Your organization’s decisions to discipline, suspend, or terminate employees exposes you to potential significant employment-related liabilities, with the liability exposure meter running until any and all legal challenges that may be mounted are finally resolved.  This could take months, or in many cases years, because the administrative and judicial procedures can be onerous and are time consuming.  Moreover, in addition to back pay and reinstatement remedies, many legal claims also result in awards of punitive or exemplary damages that are designed to punish or make an example out of unlawful or socially unacceptable conduct. 

    Please click below to complete a 23-statement survey to gain your organization’s IQRM Effectiveness Risk Audit Score for Discipline and Termination.

    Question 1

    How effectively does your organization align its discipline and termination policies, objectives, and practices with its strategic, business, and talent management objectives?

    Question 2

    To what degree do your organization’s discipline and termination policies and practices help it enhance the value of your human capital, make it more competitive, and help achieve its strategic and business objectives?

    Question 3

    How positive an impact do your organization’s discipline and termination policies and practices have on your financials (e.g., revenue, labor costs, profitability, and earnings per share)?

    Question 4

    How well do your organization’s discipline and termination policies and practices demonstrate your commitment to compliance with laws and regulations? 

    Question 5

    To what extent does your organization assess current and future external factors ― such as the economy, competition, technology, or laws and regulations ― for their impact on the purpose, scope, and effectiveness of your discipline and termination policies, practices, and processes?


    Question 6

    To what degree does your organization assess current and future internal factors ― such as changes in your organization’s culture, values, or mission, organizational structure, strategic and business objectives, or workforce diversity ― for their impact on the purpose, scope, and effectiveness of your discipline and termination policies, practices, and processes?

    Question 7

    To what degree does your organization regularly assess its discipline and termination policies, practices, and processes to determine if they comply with federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and Executive Orders, professional standards, and, where appropriate, best practices?

    Question 8

    How effective are your organization’s culture, values, and ethical standards in supporting and enhancing your discipline and termination policies, practices, and processes?

    Question 9

    How would you rate the level of knowledge your managers and supervisors possess about your organization’s discipline and termination policies, practices, and processes to answer routine employee questions?

    Question 10

    How well does your organization survey its employees to determine if your discipline and termination policies, practices, and processes are fair and effectively communicated?

    Question 11

    How effective is your organization at identifying and assessing the financial and organizational risks associated with noncompliance with discipline and termination laws, regulations, and court decisions?

    Question 12

    To what degree has your organization developed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure your performance in meeting discipline and termination objectives and obligations?


    To what extent does your organization have updated job descriptions and performance standards?


    To what degree are your organization’s employment policies and practices, work rules, code of conduct, and discipline/termination policies and procedures set forth in writing in your employee handbook and/or other communication media?

    Question 15

    How effective are your organization’s employment policies, work rules, and code of conduct in indicating that violating these policies could result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination?

    Question 16

    How would you rate your employment policies and procedures at providing for a system of progressive discipline for less serious infractions?

    Question 17

    How effective is your organization at listing offenses that warrant suspension or discharge? 

    Question 18

    To what extent does your organization indicate to employees that procedural steps will be taken before they will be disciplined or terminated?

    Question 19

    To what degree does top management or a specific individual at your organization review disciplinary actions and terminations before these actions become final?

    Question 20

    In administering disciplinary actions, how effective is our organization at ensuring that all procedural employee safeguards have been followed?

    Question 21

    To what degree does your organization ensure that all necessary documentation to support the proposed disciplinary or termination action is contained in the employee’s files and will be maintained and preserved?

    Question 22

    How would you rate your organization’s consideration of whether the employee to be disciplined or terminated is in a protected category?

    Question 23

    How effective is your organization at making special efforts to ensure that protected employees’ rights have not been violated?

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