Product Contamination and Product Recalls have become a pervasive problem. Whether the result of accidental contamination, manufacturing error, intentional criminal acts, vindictive employees or simple human error, organizations that fall victim to these incidents incur staggering costs- not only in damage control but also in restoring their lost profits, reputation, customer relationships, brand name and market share.
Today, we are in the middle of a regulatory alphabet soup- USDA, FDA, FSMA OF 2012 (Food Safety Modernization Act), CDC (Center for Disease Control), CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission), and NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). The increased testing coupled with a zero tolerance for manufacturing errors, contamination and the regulatory tug of war currently under way have lead to a significant increase in the amount of product recalls. If your firm is producing, distributing or wholesaling any type of edible or durable goods product, you have a potential exposure.
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